Our Facilities
Cargill has a global network of research labs that are based on innovative technologies which provide accurate and prompt analytical solutions. Cargill Feed & Nutrition (CFN) Italy Central Laboratory (Lab of Expertise) is located in Fiorenzuola d’Arda (PC) and uses the latest and newest technologies. Another laboratory, in Sospiro (CR), is exclusively for customer service.
Both laboratories are accredited by ACCREDIA, the Italian National Accreditation Body appointed by the State to perform accreditation activity.
Accreditation certifies the quality of the work of a testing laboratory, assessing the conformity of its management system and its competences against internationally recognized requirements and standards, including all legal obligations (UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025 “General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories”).
Only the accredited testing laboratories are qualified to supply to the market reliable, credible and internationally recognized certifications of conformity. ACCREDIA, applying the most rigorous standards, evaluates their competence, and their behavior and performance is continuously and carefully monitored.
ACCREDIA is also a signatory to international agreements of mutual recognition (MLA). By virtue of this participation, testing and inspection activities, as well as certification of products, systems and personnel, issued under ACCREDIA accreditation, are both recognized and accepted internationally.
Accreditation is thus a guarantee of:
- Impartiality: representation of all interested parties within the laboratory.
- Independence: assessors and committees releasing the certification or report guarantee their absence of conflict of interests with the organization to be certified.
- Competence: accreditation certifies primarily that those performing the assessment are culturally, technically and professionally qualified.
LAB N° 0501